Friday, December 4, 2009
Brands I Can't Stand: Chrysler
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What I'm loving right now.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Cultural Observation of the Day.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Verizon chips at iPhone's Achilles Heel with "There's a Map for That."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Building Communities by Discovering Hidden Gems.
With the rise in popularity of staycations, many are discovering the sights of one’s own city. This has become a recent hobby of mine and my favorite sightseeing adventures are finding those hidden gems off the beaten path. Recently I discovered the Riverview Theater off of 38th street and 42nd avenue, bordering St. Paul and Minneapolis. With a décor ala Mad Men, and a beautifully designed one-screen theater it stands out from the sea of mass-produced suburban multiplexes.
Photo: Riverview Lobby (Emma Wiedner)
Providing a step back in time from the décor to the candy selection to the ticket prices (never over $5) the theatre is one of those cultural highlights of the city hidden beneath the obvious sightseeing surface. One feels as if they’ve been let in on a community secret by discovering it.
Photo: Riverview Theater Concessions (Emma Wiedner)
This inclusion into a community secret or hidden gem is when one truly begins to feel like a local of the community. A moment where one becomes a part of a community, and by the inclusion of others begins to build upon that community. This insight of community building around hidden gems is a wise lesson for marketers to always remember.
For brands to be successful they should provide a hidden gem like quality, a feeling of inclusion and community for its consumers to connect to and build upon. When brands exemplify this it turns people from consumers to brand advocates, a key consumer group that has turned Harley Davidson, Toyota and Apple into iconic brands with staying power. At the end of the day always remember: A brand has no staying power, no steam if it doesn’t build a community to rally around it.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My take on the first decade of Millenium fashion.
2007-2008: Where designers decided to make every not pregnant woman look pregnant. Coincidence that there was a small baby boom during this period? Not sure, but let's all make a pact not to buy any more maternity clothes until we're actually in our second trimester. Ok thnks.
2008-2009: The years where everything 80's and early 90's came back with a vengeance, and designers decided to play with new shapes. Ugh. Not impressed. Weren't these decades cruel enough on women's shapes the first time? Yes. Let's pass on the majority of these trends, aka liquid leather leggings, and stick to what works for our actual shapes and timeless pieces made with great fabrics, aka cashmere, silk and cotton.
So here's hoping the next ten years of millennium fashion leave the 80's in the 80's, Doc Martins combat boots don't make the comeback I fear they will, and low rise jeans stay very far in the back of women's closets or out of their closets for that matter.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm coming back shortly!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood=Amazing Musical Moment in My Life.
I have today off thanks to my agency's summer hours and am not running somewhere for the weekend so I finally have the time to post.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Is the branding of one's own agency a link to its success?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Emma is the #1 baby name in the U.S.
Starting your first career is like starting kindergarten.
And....I'm back!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I have lots of ideas running through my head but just haven't had the time to write since I've been working non stop since Saturday. When things slow down a bit and I get a routine I'll be able to fit blogging into the mix.
Stay tuned! I'll be back soon!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Programming Note
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Burger King...Tsk, Tsk, Tsk
Burger King oh Burger King just what are we going to do with you. First the Whopper Virgins, which I've been quite vocal about my distaste and disgust within my networking circle about. This new spot though pushed me over the edge.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Probing Religious Minds for Branding Secrets
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Its Opening Day!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Nokia Headset Design Competition

Thanks to PSFK I found this about a week ago, but got swampped with some other things so on a slow Friday afternoon here you go.
The Daily Show's coverage of the G-20 Summit: EPIC!
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
The Poisonous Queen | |||| | ||||
This past week the G20 Summit took place in London. Besides dealing with a global financial crisis, it was also a platform for the Obamas to shine on the global stage. Unfortunately our national media turned it into a play by play of Michelle's fashion and their etiquette with meeting the Queen.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Are candy companies the only recession proof industry?

I've noticed in the last two months (also the worst 2 mos for the labor sector) that Skittles, Snickers, and Cadbury have all released new campaigns, websites, or T.V. spots. Leading me to wonder: Are candy companies the only recession proof industry?
Minnesota: More than sub zero temps and lefsa

Something I love about Minneapolis is that it is a great arts city. Whether its music, theater, or art exhibits something about this northern city fosters some great artists. One of my local favorites is graphic designer Adam Turman. I've noticed Adam's work around Minneapolis for about a year now and instantly gravitated towards it. Its kitschy, eclectic, culturally right on design work. Adam's work can be found around town at SaraCura (where I also sell my photography) and The Electric Fetus as the featured Minneconomy artist.
Adam does a lot of screen print work for bands, but also does great screen prints of things truly Minnesotan. Highlighting the beautiful, unique and quirky parts of the northern culture. My personal favorite is the Hotdish screen print. Perfectly sums up one of my least favorite dishes ever, yet one of the most unique parts of Minnesotan culture. I'm dying for the apron!
You can admire and purchase Adam's work here
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
For all the Minnesota boys
From a great hometown favorite Atmosphere. This song perfectly represents Minnesota boys to me, in fact I first heard this song bc of a true Minnesota boy. Something about this state instills male pride. The Chicago line is so true. Minnesota girls I know you can relate! Discuss below...
My childhood favorite is coming to the big screen!
Today the trailer for the feature film Where the Wild Things Are hit the Internet and it instantly brought me back to being 4 years old reading my favorite childhood book. From just seeing the trailer Spike Jonze did well. From Max's infamous costume and crown to the likeness of the wild things my childhood feels as if its been brought to life twenty years later. The movie hits theaters October 16. I know where myself and I'm sure many others my age and younger will be.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
While I was having the worst day ever...South Park washed it all away

As I mentioned last week in my adoration for the new South Park promos, SP is back with an all new season. Since Top Chef is no longer on Wednesdays @ 9 I'm back to hangin' with Cartman and the crew. This week's episode was a classic!
I refuse to accept that Doc Martens could make a comeback!

In the last month or so I've seen a few kooky celebs wearing Doc Martens around LA. No! No! No! Growing up in the Midwest during the 3rd resurrection of Doc Martens was painful enough on my developing arches and calves. The things weigh 5 lbs and as a lanky awkward 13 year old you might as well just have attached dumbbells to my feet.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Twitter: Will it help in my endless job search?

Today I made the decision that has been on my mind for about a month today. I joined Twitter. Yes the peculiar 140 character social media website that has absolutely exploded over the last year and now has over 6 million users.
Taking D to the country
So now that I finally have a new car after 4 years without a vehicle my parents have started using it as a bribe to have me drive home and see them. This weekend I took a willing hostage, my good friend D.
Being a Recessionista: Happy Hour
Being a Recessionista: Minneapolis Institute of Art
I know its been a while, and you're probs thinking did Em fall off the face of the earth?! No just been swamped with the glorious process of Ad agency intern apps and organizing some new business prospects for my photography. I have lots to catch you up on!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Being a Recessionista: Weisman Art Museum
Tuesday afternoon I spent at the Weisman, while it slushed and sleeted outside. The Weisman is located on the east bank of the University of Minnesota campus. Its always free, but remember it isn't open on Mondays.
Being a Recessionista: Como Conservatory
So I began my recessionista trip this week and its been a fabulous way to spend my afternoons after some brutal mornings of the endless job search. If you've recently been layed off, graduated and have no job, or have spring break coming up then follow this blog series!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
With the spring thaw comes fashion disaster

On Friday it was a gorgeous sunny day across the entire country including here in the frozen tundra. With the spring thaw comes some classic fashion disasters, which were on full display as I walked through Uptown and Downtown. I'm going to take you through the problem, aka the disaster, and tell you how to fix it. Read on!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Oh Southpark how I adore you!

So by now many of you are familiar with Pepsi's new logo designed by the Arnell group, an Omnicom branding group based in New York. I like the logo and general bubbliness of the campaign, because isnt' that what we all need and want out of a soda brand right now. Well the logo crossed the line of arrogant when a 27 page document was released on the Ad blogosphere from Arnell talking about the emotions related the degree turn of the logo and how the sun relates to it. Moving on though, because that's not what this post is about.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Another travesty in these lovely economic times...

Ad Age is reporting that the Cannes Ad Festival will be downplayed big time this year. Absolutely appropriate, but still disappointing. The fabulous parties thrown by huge agencies like Leo Burnett and DDB will be no more. Instead Friday night beach parties are being replaced by Friday morning lectures by guest speakers such as David Plouffe. Still intriguing, but the theme of this year will be less glitz more education.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Beehive is back!!

One of my favorite musicians/recent trainwreck Amy Winehouse has been shacking up in St. Lucia for the last three months getting off the 'bad stuff.' Because in the immortal words of Whitney Houston, "Crack is WHACK!"
Bravo you're better than Tyyyra!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 debuts new website and integrates into social media

Late last week Skittles debuted its new overlay for, which looks eerily similar to Boston-based agency The website which is viewed through the eyes of the web shows Skittles wikipedia page, facebook page, and Google search results page.
Being a Recessionista
Over the next week I'm going to be traversing through my hometown (Minneapolis) seeing all the great FREE cultural offerings the city has to offer. I'll be highlighting my favorite outings and giving tips on how to stay cultured and well-traveled in this economy. Stay tuned...I can't wait for my 'tourist' week to begin.
Friday, February 27, 2009

Thank god its Friday. I'm chilling out to some Van Morrsion on this sunny but cold day. Yesterday was a full blown snow emergency with 6-10 inches of snow. Most would say oh that's crazy, but nothing ever surprises me in this schizophrenic state. We can go through four seasons in four days. It was too snowy and windy to even try and photograph yesterday so that was a really debbie downer. I'm sure many of my local readers don't really want to be reminded of yesterdays anyways.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
NO NO NO NO Top Chef

I just finished the finale of one of my fav shows on TV and I'm irate. Damn it Top Chef and damn you Casey!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I hope I've still got it like this at 44

The inspiring photo above is Marisa Tomei at an after Oscars party. Her actual boy toy is to her left. He's from the show Prison Break, I think. Does it really matter though? No. He's just arm candy, and I'm sure he's not complaining he's probs gotten some fab networking out of all the awards season red carpets.
Oscars 2009

Well as expected it was insanely predictable. Everyone of my picks won, and they're weren't too many great moments. Penelope gave a bilingual speech, Heath's family accepted on his behalf, Sean Penn spoke out for equal rights, and Kate and Slumdog won of course.
Let's talk fashion though. Isn't that what really matters? I loved Freida Pinto, Taraji P. Henson, and Angelina Jolie. I know some people are going to say she looked boring in just a black dress, my take effortless. She looks like a knockout without really trying. Simple dress, beautiful earrings and ring, gorgeous hair and she had Brad Pitt on her arm. Team Jolie totally won last night. Aniston looked pretty, but as always as if she was trying too hard with a thick air of desperation.
- Freida looked stunning in John Galiano. Very Bollywood inspired, fabulous color, great one shoulder trend.
- Jessica Biel not a fan of. I don't care if it was architectural it was unflattering. Blah.
- Taraji P. Henson my favorite. From the dress to the jewelry to the clutch to the hair. Glamourous. Fabulous!
- Kate Winslet uggh. Not a fan of that dress or hair. Not a good look.
- Meryl Streep stunning. Age appropriate gown. Sexy hair and makeup.
- Penelope Cruz. The jury is still out. Not sure how I feel about a white princess gown. We all know I hate them as a wedding dress.
- SJP. "Barely mint" It was true Haute Couture and fantasy. How annoyed did Matthew Broderick look with the whole thing?
- Amy Adams. She always delivers. Keeps it classy while adding quirky touches that work great together.
- Anne Hathaway. Marion Cotillard did it last year, and the bust line didn't fit at all on the dress.
- Natalie Portman. Stunning. Enough said.
- Miley. Fugly, and like usual she's just being Miley.
- Vanessa Hudgens. What is with that Hobby Lobby arts and crafts project going on on your bustline. Marchesa rarely messes up, this was one of those cases.
- Tina Fey. Knock-out!! Zac Posen always does it fabulous, and this dress was right on point.
- Reese Witherspoon. Scarlet O'Hara could get away with using the drapes, you honey can not.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
World Press Photo 2009

Photo: Anthony Sau, USA, Time
The World Press Photo has selected it's 2009 photo of the year, and as always its a telling portrait of a traumatic situation that's known well across the world. This year its not surprising that the World Press Photo chose a photograph from an American photographer telling the bleakest story of the American economy. The foreclosure of one's home is a circumstance I hope I never find myself in. In my opinion its the ultimate rock bottom scenario in this economic turmoil. I may be one of the 3.5 million unemployed Americans in this country, but I still have a roof over my head something I'm thankful for every day.
I've loved the World Press Photo exhibit since 2006 during which time I was spliting my time between Minneapolis and Amsterdam. The exhibit kicks off in Amsterdam every year, at the Oude Kerk (old church) in the middle of the red light district. It celebrates the best in photojournalism and for a photography junkie like myself it is captivating and a wonderful treat. Unfortunately the exhibit does not come to the U.S., but if you happen to be in Europe, Japan, Australia, or Montreal in the coming year check out if its in town.
This year's photo is interesting from a photography perspective, because its telling of the resurgence of black and white photography. The style has generally always been popular, but it seems in the last year or so its had a real comeback amongst many professional photographers. Its also the first time since 2000 that the World Press Photo has been set in the states. The most ironic part of this story is that the photographer, Anthony Sau, is now looking for work and can't find employment. Who knew the lens could shift so suddenly and create such a stark reflection?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Something I can no longer ignore...
If Chris Brown's career wasn't already over before this picture surfaced, it most certainly is now. Good. I don't need to see a Double Mint commercial with Ike Turner Jr. in it. I imagine Jay-Z, Rihanna's mentor, is through the roof over this. Yep its a definite the kid will never work again.
How sad is it that tomorrow is her 21st bday? An event that should be celebrated in epic proportions is now overshadowed by such a horrific time.
Ok enough Debbie Downer time. The reason I finally did decide to discuss this incident on my blog is because I hope some good does come out of this situation. Many of you know my feelings about violence against women, and that it has long been a cause close to my heart and something I don't take lightly. I hope from this tragic event young women who are in a tumultuous first love relationship find the courage and inspiration to leave. I hope Rihanna leaves him and sets a good example for the young women who are fans and look up to her. That's my peace about this situation.
Peace and Love to all.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Amazing Top Chef!! 1 episode left!

So I just finished watching my favorite show: Top Chef. It was the semi-finals tonight in New Orleans, and it was high drama. My girl Carla came out on top again!! Are you surprised? Puhlz she cooks with soul and she has a southern background, she had this in the bag.
SPOILER ALERT!! I'm bummed Fabio went home. Uggh!! Now I only have Carla to entertain me during the finale, and I have to put up with the two bald guys fighting over some ridiculous ingredient next week. I'm so sick of those two! My girl better be Top Chef next week!
Moving on...I loved that the finale is in New Orleans. Its such a fabulous food culture city!! My kudos goes out to the New Orleans tourism board. So smart to partner with Top Chef to promote the city and Mardi Gras. I was totally wooed into wanting to visit the city even more after tonight. The episode was a great way to showcase all of the history and culture of the city, and in a way repositioning to a bit of a classier group. In the past we've all known Mardi Gras as a southern city with a flashing problem around Lent. With this promotion through Top Chef, New Orleans could reposition itself as a gourmet food city with grand American history (which it already is) to a more urban gourmet foodie group looking for a great weekend getaway. Especially to the northern set, who want a warm getaway this time of year. I'll second that. To me the real winner tonight was the city of New Orleans. Promotion well done!!