I found this interesting piece thanks to my amazing Google Reader. If you don't have Google Reader I highly recommend it. It consolidates all of your favorite websites onto one account so you can check them all without having to go from website to website. Ok so back to the article from AdAge. As the key target market of this promotion, I think its pretty brilliant. Bliss has always been a great brand (love their products which you can get at Sephora, basically my mecca) and clever with their product names and package design. I found it interesting that they handle all marketing in-house as many niche cosmetic companies do. Niche cosmetics brands are some of my favorite products, partly because of the smart package design and witty play on product names.
While I'm a loyal agency girl, this promotion has intrigued me to wonder do all brands need an agency to become a great brand? Agree with me, disagree with me let me know either way.
This is a great pun on the "Bush" name, but the best one I've ever seen was at a Bush rally in 2004. Bush's visit was being protested by some true liberal Minnesota hippies, and one girl stood out not for her actual voice but her simple, hilarious tank top. She looked at me and smiled coyly as I read her shirt and laughed. It stated simply: My bush would make a better president. Amen sister. Here's a toast to some great days ahead in this country: Martin Luther King Day, and Obama's Inauguration. I know I'll be celebrating come Tuesday.
Source: AdAge
My bush went missing sometime around 2004, but I have seen similar silly sayings and laughed my bootie off : )