Thanks to my lovely iconoculture weekly trend report I was informed of something clever for the Millennial generation. Across the pond in jolly ole England there's a new website called Wigadoo .
What is Wigadoo you ask? Here's the sitch: As a Millennial you're always socializing with your friends and trying to organize group outings. Well how much does it suck to be that person that organizes everything and then basically get to be like the parent chaparone on a school field trip. Wigadoo handles the financial situation up front so the night or weekend of the event/trip everything is paid for. You organize an event and tell your friends about it. You're friends decide how much of their moola they're willing to pledge for the event and Wigadoo takes their credit card info but doesn't charge yet. When you decide the event is a go you confirm and then you're friend's pledged money is used to help pay. The night of the event you're able to party as hard as everyone else!
How much easier would Spring Break, trips to Vegas, Party Buses and Birthday parties be to organize with the use of this website!!
The website currently only provides to British Millennials (bollocks), but I'll keep you posted if things change.
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